2021 MOSS Deck Art Show - Turning Art into Water for the MOSS Foundation.
Missed it this year. Autions in Melbourne and Sydney raised over $113,000 for clean water.
Check out the boards below.
2020 MOSS Deck Art Show - Turning Art into Water for the MOSS Foundation.
Check out the 2020’ boards and art!
Skateboarder funded clean water projects since 2006
I've been documenting the MOSS Jams since 2005 and below are the clips that capture some of the essence of skate culture from that time until now. Most shot on reasonable equipment but reduced in file size due to the times and technology these are cool to watch in the viewer window of your phone or the windows on the site. Some are old clips and don't look good hi res full screen but its the story and the mate-ship that binds the people. Watch em small and appreciate the history and the stories.
Inspired by Bruce Jameson’s “sweat-equity’ clean water projects in Swaziland, Melbourne Old School Skaters (MOSS) provided the funds for our very first clean water tank installation in 2006 at Moyeni Community Care Point in Swaziland, southern east Africa. The positive and lasting impact of suppling clean water to this community really touched our hearts. Due to the success of this project, the MOSS Foundation was formed, dedicating all fundraising proceeds to similar Clean Water Saving Lives projects. Find out more at http://www.mosswaterproject.com/
Clips from 2005 till now....
Drone view of MOSS Jam 2016. Thanks Aerial Productions Australia
WPS-Skate 1
WPS-Skate 3
What and why...
WPS-Skate 1,2 & 3 are compilations of skate videos documenting the MOSS (Melbourne Old School Skate Sessions) Story over the last ten years or so. They're pretty much in the order i filmed them. Most predate affordable HD and the quality is not great on the big screen. Historically speaking it's still a rad journey to watch.
I'm more interested in capturing the feel of skating rather than the awesome trick but there's a few of them in there too.
WPS-skate 2
Stay tuned ........